Thursday, July 26, 2012

That fruit/veggie goodness

Every day this week except today, I've made a smoothie in the morning.  They consist of 2 handfuls of fresh spinach, a handful of frozen strawberries, handful of frozen blueberry, and a splash or two of V8 fruit/veggie juice (there are so many different ways, this is just what I have on hand right now).  And all 3 mornings, I have a lot of energy, feel good, mommy super strength.  Now, I've done smoothies before, and each time, I had this feeling too.  There's just something about chugging all that raw goodness!  In any case, I did not make a smoothie this morning and I can def say that even with rockin the caffeine, I'm feeling sluggish.  Just thought I'd note this.  I love my ugly smoothies (although with the blueberries, they aren't super ugly, very purple-ish, instead of rotten and I promise, if you are hesitant to try them, you seriously can NOT taste the spinach or tell it's in there other than color.  Try it sometime!!!!  Once I put sliced cucumber in there...still couldn't taste it, but it added a really neat freshness to the smoothie.  Sometimes, I add greek yogurt, or if I have banana, I'll add some peanut butter.  I tend to use frozen fruits so that I don't have to add ice.  What is your fave smoothie combo?

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