Monday, October 10, 2011

Not my child!

So, California is now on my big list of places to never move. I'd seriously considered it at times, but now it's off the table. Completely.

News report today says that the Governor signed into law the right to vaccinate 12 year olds without parental consent with Gardasil and the Hep B vaccine.

Let's get this straight...they assert that children as young as 12 are able to give consent for a vaccine, and let's not consider how much railroading there would be. It makes me sick to think about a 12 year old, not even a TEEN yet, being railroaded into getting a shot that they have no idea about, and you know noone who stands to make a profit off this will be educating them! A 12 year old is NOT competent to make this decision, especially considering the side effects.

Hey, big pharmacy, quit trying to take away our parental rights in the name of big $$$$$. Jackholes.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is wrong with people?

I seriously need to stop reading the news. Unfortunately, I am a news junkie.

There was a story just the other day about a 7 year old (that's D's age!!!) who was locked in a coffin in the basement to sleep. He was also duct taped to a chair. The house was infested with bugs, and has since been condemned. What the hell??? How do you justify doing that to your child? There are countless stories out there right now about "parents" doing this stuff to their kids. I can't even call them parents. They don't deserve that title.

A mother strangled her daughter for refusing to take a bath and throwing a 2 hour tantrum. Ok, yeah, parenting is hard and it sucks at time. But you don't kill your child over it. Stick em in their room til the tantrum stops. If they are hurting themselves, remove everything, so THEY are safe. There are ways to combat it that don't involve strangling your child. I hate to judge, but ya know, yeah, I'm judging.

It just breaks my heart to see children seen as worthless "things". They are our future. And before I break into a Whitney Houston song, I'll leave it at that. We need to pray for the kids of this world. That they grow up with love and hope and light in their lives.

Monday, October 3, 2011

One week in

Hey, it's been a week! I think I'm doing pretty well, made it through the weekend with out a huge overage in calories. I've been working on being more active as well. My friend and I started RAW calls (Random Acts of Workout), to encourage each other to get moving, plus I've done a couple workouts this week in the evenings. It def is a struggle to make my body get moving again, but I think it is slowly accommodating me. Now to get D and I out on some good walks! I've been sleeping better, if nothing else.

In other news, we've been changing D's seizures meds to hopefully get his seizures fully under control. He is currently at the full dose of the new med, but it will be another 3 weeks til he's fully weaned off his former med. So far so good, he hasn't had any headaches since. We'll see what happens when he's fully off the old med. In the meantime, he is at least eating a bit more. I now have him drinking pediasure in the morning, and sending more substantial snacks, which he is working through. He's still having days where he eats almost nothing, but that's ok. Baby steps...

And what a weekend! D's neuro messed up his prescription refill for his Ritalin, so he had none all weekend. And we had two birthday parties on Saturday! Fortunately, I think D did ok enough. I did have to stay right on top of him, but we survived. Barely. :P