Monday, October 10, 2011

Not my child!

So, California is now on my big list of places to never move. I'd seriously considered it at times, but now it's off the table. Completely.

News report today says that the Governor signed into law the right to vaccinate 12 year olds without parental consent with Gardasil and the Hep B vaccine.

Let's get this straight...they assert that children as young as 12 are able to give consent for a vaccine, and let's not consider how much railroading there would be. It makes me sick to think about a 12 year old, not even a TEEN yet, being railroaded into getting a shot that they have no idea about, and you know noone who stands to make a profit off this will be educating them! A 12 year old is NOT competent to make this decision, especially considering the side effects.

Hey, big pharmacy, quit trying to take away our parental rights in the name of big $$$$$. Jackholes.

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