Ok so much for updating this a lot! No worries, I'm back and ready for action!
Let's look back at 2011 real quick. Holy freakin cow what a year it has been! D and I both had a ton of growth. For the boy child, he had two surgeries this year for his ears. He got tubes in them, but they fell out and the same problem started up again, so he ended up with another surgery for long term tubes. They are working fantastically! He did have some scary moments, in that he started having headaches again (which usually indicate seizures), but we could not get the headaches under control. We ended up seeing a neurosurgeon, but he couldn't help as the fluid in D's brain was not increasing. It was quite a frustrating time! Eventually, we were able to change seizure meds, and so far so good! However...the new seizure med leaves D open to dehydration. And of course he doesn't drink enough. So we went through a few months of hell with his poor tummy, he started having poop accidents, and was really constipated. But I think he has now adjusted to the feeling of it all, as we haven't had a poop accident in two weeks. (I say, we, like its me and him. No, it's all him! I just have to deal with it...lol)
Overall, D is doing really well in school, aside from the accidents. He's not reading yet, but is slowly making progress towards it. He does things on his own time. This school year so far has been great for him! We went back to an ARD meeting, as his special ed teacher wanted to add him more time for him, so now, aside from specials, he either has an aide with him, or is in the special ed classroom all day long. You can tell he is flourishing from all the attention!
Ok now on to me. Get ready...it's been a big year. First, I had surgery...actually, a procedure called an Endometrial Ablation. The hope was that it would lighten my periods or take them away completely. Yeah, it didn't. Well, that's incorrect, it did help SOMEWHAT. I'm down to 4 or 5 days, rather than 7 days of hell. And even at it's worst, it's not as bad as it was. It still sucks though. My hope next year is to have a hysterectomy and just evict my uterus completely.
Wasn't that a lovely topic? Ok, second, I started out 2011 determined to clear out the clutter and create for myself a dramafree life, as much as it CAN be. Mainly, anything that didn't work in my life had to go. Yes, I've ended some friendships, but I've also worked hard at enhancing friendships that ARE beneficial to me. This year has also been one of personal growth. I've come to terms with something that I have always tried to keep from thinking about much, and let me tell you, the relief in finally embracing that has made a huge difference in my life. I couldn't have done it without awesomely supportive friends though.
So 2011 is almost over and done with, and I have a feeling that 2012 is going to be quite a rush.
2012 is only 3 days away and I'm gearing up for getting healthy. I decided to start off the new year right by going Paleo again. It will still be modified like last year, to keep some dairy in and some of the healthy carbs, like sweet potatoes and corn. But I will be cutting out bread, rice, white potatoes, and pasta. I regret having made the conscious decision last year to stop doing it. It really did work well for me and it's not THAT hard. You don't have to measure and can eat as much meat, veggies, (and kinda fruit) as you want. As far as fitness, I'll be gearing up on that too. I don't plan to really make a resolution for New Years but I guess if I had to specify something it'd be to make it a point every day to do something healthy for me. After all, 2012 is when the world is supposed to end and I don't wanna go out like this!!
Stay tuned, folks, it's about to get real up in here!